Friday, January 25, 2008

Greatest Woman in the World

I just wanted to talk about the greatest woman in the world. My Granny is the most amazing person you could ever meet! I promise you everyone who meets her falls in love with her immediately. She has this amazing humorous yet sincere personality. Granny has the most unconditional love for the people she cares for. My Granny has always been there for me, but this last year she has done more for me than I could ever repay her for. I have lived with my parents my whole life, and they are the very controlling, if you make a B you are dead, kind of parents. They are very sweet people, but they have this evil, evil side. I decided to move out because it was becoming unbearable. My parents put me in therapy because they thought I was the problem. As it turns out, I wasn’t the only one to blame. I finally decided I had enough, and my Granny came to my rescue. She saved me when my mom was cussing me out and calling me every name in the book. She also saved me when my dad decided to get physical. Unfortunately, she even took a few pushes. After my dad pushed her, I pushed my dad. Can you believe it? I couldn’t. My Granny saved me from that day, and she has taken care of me ever since. I will have more to say about this, but it is 11:51, and my blogs must be done.

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