Monday, March 31, 2008

My Interview

Today, I interviewed Dr. Julia Heath. She is the Professor and Chair in the Department of Economics. I was not completely sure what to ask her, but I felt like what we did talk about was helpful. She didn't really tell me too much information I didn't know, but we did debate some things. I asked her some questions like whether or not a living wage would prevent a recession and whether or not a living wage would help increase the number of people that go to college. I also asked her if she thought a living wage would help with homelessness. We talked about some concerns I had with some of the research I did. She did help a lot at some of the things I had questions about. One question I had was that some research materials said the U.S. could not afford a living wage, but she had a really good comeback to this. She said when employees get paid more, they work harder, which causes more production. More production creates more money, which in turn goes to pay the employees. I really liked this because I knew there was no way the U.S. couldn't afford a living wage, but I could not come up with a good comeback to that statement. Another concern I had was that if a living wage is enforced, will that create less scholarships. My parents make good money, so it was very difficult for me to get scholarships. One of my friends had a single mom who made less than $30,000 a year. She got tons of scholarships. We talked about how this would greatly affect scholarships, but people will have more money so it might not make as big of a difference. In order for people to get scholarships, the requirements would have to change. I am still questioning how I feel about this whole living wage thing. For the most part, I think a living wage would be a great thing, but there are still bad things that make me question it. I think the interview was good as far as talking to someone who knows about the topic and asking them questions and debating everything. I enjoyed the interview. It was very laid back, but I felt like it helped a little bit.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Horrible Herenton

Herenton is getting on my nerves. Why in the world was he voted back into office? Can someone please tell me why? He is so stupid. I am reading on the same sight as the Millington article that he says he ran for re-election to protect Memphis from Chumney, Morris. Are you kidding me? He ran for re-election because he is a selfish jerk who wants all the glory for himself. I mean really what has Mayor Herenton done that makes him so great? I can't think of anything. Has anyone looked at Memphis lately? It's pathetic. Schools shootings every day, murders every day, stealing every day, rapes every day, etc. The list goes on and on. If he was such a "great" mayor, then why can't he find something to fix all of these problems. He's been in office long enough to have had some time to come up with something. I mean what has he been doing all these years? Also, I read he says he'll stay put in the mayor's office if he doesn't get city school's superintendent. Once again, are you freaking kidding me? What a jerk!! I mean it's like he thinks he owns Memphis, and he can just do whatever he wants. One day he wants to be mayor, then the next day he wants to be superintendent. Herenton, you suck at both jobs! Just give it a break already and retire. I am tired of seeing your face all over tv and listening to your stupid speeches that do nothing for Memphis. Listening to you is like listening to Bush. I would rather listen to fingernails on a chalkboard than listen to you and Bush talk. I hate people that think they own everybody. Just because Herenton is mayor means nothing to me. Anybody could do what he's doing. I mean who couldn't just walk around in a suit all day and read speeches that someone else wrote and act like you actually know what you're talking about. Sorry once again for the ranting. These comments really struck a nerve.

Millington Employees Expecting Pay Increase

I read today in the Commercial Appeal (I know you hate it Wendy) that the city of Millington is planning on comparing their employees wages with other cities. If Millington's wages are less than other cities, then there may be a pay raise. I think this is awesome. I am planning on getting another job pretty soon that is close to home. I am tired of J. Alexander's. I know I have not kept everyone updated with that job, but to make everything short, the people are evil (especially the workers) and I am not making a whole lot more money like I thought I would. I want to leave the restaurant business for good. It's nice to get some quick money, but I miss my steady money. I also have been forced to work on Sundays at my last two jobs, and I am tired of it. I miss going to church. I think Sunday should be everyone's day of rest, but Sunday is my day of chaos. I go to school everyday of the week at 8:00 in the morning, then I work on top of that. I also work all day long Saturday and Sunday. By the time Monday gets here, I am so tired I can't think straight. I never get my day of rest. I want just one day to get away from school and work. Anyway, back to the topic. This is very exciting to the 180 employees in Millington. Millington is still a small town, but it will not be small for long. Millington has undergone a lot of renovation just in the last year. We are movin' on up!! lol If Millington becomes a bigger city, then the employees should be paid more, so they might as well start increasing wages now. Also, this article also goes along with my living wage paper because I am arguing that we need a living wage. Employees are not paid enough to live, and the time has come to change that. For any of you who live in Millington or work in Millington, get ready because I hope this change is coming for our town.

Internet Is Stupid

Well I decided I would write about my hatred of the internet. This semester has been a tough one for me. Last semester, my whole family hated me, so I was stressed out all the time, but I had the internet. This semester, my family and I are ok, but my freakin' internet keeps messing up!!!! I'm getting so pissed! I'm tired of these stupid computers and internet. I hate them! Everyone has gone completely to emails and homework online, etc., etc. I am still catching up. I lost my internet for the second time this last week. Yesterday afternoon I was able to see the internet again on my own computer. Everytime this crap happens I have to find someone who has internet which usually means my parents house. I am over there for hours because I have to cram everything into one day. I completely missed the fact that we were suppose to read those articles because I didn't have the internet. (That's not counting the countless other things I've missed) All of my teachers assign work over the internet, and I don't always notice them until it's too late. I feel like I need to keep the internet on at all times. I'm so frustrated with internet and technology! I know it's a good thing, but good Lord it's frustrating. I'm sorry to keep putting all of you through these rant blogs, but sometimes you just have to let everything out. I seriously hate the internet. I mean it's a great thing, but I feel like I am always missing something that was on the internet. I usually check my emails once a day, but usually no one has sent me anything until after I do my daily check. Anyways, I apologize again for putting all of you through this. I just needed to share my hatred of the internet just for a moment. Thanks for listening! lol

Dr. George Lord

On March 27, 2008, Dr. George Lord from Partners of Public Education came to talk to us about our education system. He said he does research and policy analysis. Also, he does research on school assessment. The 10th Amendment says the government can spell out some things states cannot do, but the rest of the rule and regulations are left to the states. That's a little crazy to me. However, there is a way around this rule because the government has involvment in agricultural school. Another interesting fact is that the budget on K-12 education is a trillion dollars. That is amazing and ridiculous at the same time. We spend a trillion dollars on education, but it still sucks. There is something really wrong with that picture. Dr. Lord had lots of interesting information that I did not know. Another piece of informaton was in 1958 Russians launched the satelite Sputnik (sorry for incorrect spelling). Due to this satellite, people thought America was far behind in technology and knowledge, so Dwight Eisenhower decided to put money into science, engineering, and mathematics. He wanted to create NASA. He also said in the 1960s most of the urban riots about civil rights, anti-war, etc. were all blamed on education. We have over 200 public schools in Tennessee. (Something else I did not know) Lots of really information was that there are 41 failing schools in Tennessee. 17 failed last year. 17 schools have not met the standards for six years. 45 schools met the goal but not the benchmark. 103 schools did not meet state benchmarks. 34 met the benchmarks and inproved. Supposedly, White Station is one of the best public schools, and it did not make adequate yearly progress because of an increase in special needs students. He said there is a 15% dropout rate and a 70% graduation rate. Dr. Lord has so many interesting facts. I just cannot believe some of them because they are so ridiculous to me. I don't know really anything about public schools because I went to a public school for 12 years. My boyfriend went to Millington, and he has told me a lot about what it's like, but I could not imagine. One time I was in Millington Youth Leadership, and we had to do a presentation at Millington High School, and I have never felt so out of place in my life. I was also only in the freshman building. There were so many people, and it was so loud. I also had to walk so far to get to everything. I had no idea where anything was. It was so scary and weird. I was one of those sheltered private school kids, but I do appreciate some aspects of a private school. I really enjoyed Dr. Lord's presentation. He was very interesting, and he made the subject very interesting.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Will The Controversy Ever End?

Once again something else is being accused of being racist. Vogue magazine has LeBron James and Gizele on the front cover. LeBron James is screaming, dribbling a basketball, and holding Gizele. Somehow the argument came up that this picture "conjures up the idea of a dangerous black man." I'm so tired of this racist crap. Honestly, I was afraid to write this blog because I am scared someone will call me racist. I want to say to the "dangerous black man" comment that when I see a black, white, Mexican, etc. man walking towards me in baggy clothes and covering his face, I get a little freaked out. I don't care what color the person is. I understand that people think all black men are dangerous, but the truth is every other race has dangerous men and women for that matter. I'm tired of listening to people complain about how everything is only targeted at black people. Now, I understand I am white, and I have not experienced what it's like to be any other race. I just want the controversy to end. I'm tired of black people being made to look like poor idiots in white movies and white people being made to look like freakin' idiots!! in black movies! And why are "all" Mexicans perves? Why does it have to be this way? I know everyone says that people still somewhat segregate, but times have changed. Slavery is no longer around, so I think it is time to get over our stubborn selfs and find some kind of peace. I don't want anyone to think that I am racist, but after I read this article, I just got so frustrated. Why does everything have to be about color? Who made it that way? I mean it's like there is a rule that whites and blacks can't mix. I'm tired of living this way. I'm sorry for this blog, but I felt the need to let out my feelings on this topic. It's such a touchy subject, and I really was hesitant when I decided to write this, but I decided to write it because I feel this issue should be talked about. How can we ever fix a problem without addressing the problems? Feel free to leave your comments. This blog was not meant to offend anyone. I just want the controversy to end.

Friday, March 21, 2008


I seem to always be so stressed out. I feel like I am constantly behind, and that I will never catch up. Sometimes I feel like everyone hates me, and then sometimes I don’t. I go back and forth between being stressed and unstressed, so I decided to write a blog on ways to control stress. I’m sure many of you have lots of stress. School is the devil and causes too much stress!! I hope some of you benefit from this.
First it is very important to relax and unwind. Some ways include deep breathing, yoga, meditation, and massage therapy. If you can’t find the time to do these things, try sitting for a few minutes, listening to soothing music, or read a book. Second, you should always make time for yourself. It is very important to care for yourself because if you can’t care for yourself, how can you expect to care for anyone else. Try to set aside at least 15 minutes each day to do something for yourself, like taking a bubble bath, going for a walk, or just calling a friend. Third, sleeping is a great way to help both your body and mind. Your stress could get worse if you don’t get enough sleep. With enough sleep, you can tackle your problems better and lower your risk for illness. Fourth, make sure you eat right. Try to fuel up with fruits, vegetables, and proteins. Eat whole-grains, such as wheat breads and wheat crackers. Don’t be fooled by the jolt you get from caffeine, energy drinks, or sugar. Your energy will wear off. Fifth, make sure to get moving. Getting physical activity not only helps relieve your tense muscles, but helps your mood too! Before and after you work out, your body makes endorphins which help relieve stress and improve your mood. Sixth, talking to your friends can help relieve stress. Friends are good listeners. Finding someone who will let you talk freely about your problems and feelings without judging you does a world of good. Seventh, make sure to compromise. Sometimes it is not always best to argue. Give in once in a while. Eighth, most importantly do not deal with stress in unhealthy ways such as drinking, using drugs, smoking, or overeating.
I hope some of you will use these to help manage your stress.

Why! Why! Why!

I recently wrote a blog about why cats hate water. One of the people who commented me asked why cats lick their fur. Well I decided I would answer this question and a few other questions about the weird things cats do. I hope you enjoy!

Q. Why do cats lick their fur?
A. Licking keeps a cat’s fur clean and smooth. It cools cats off in hot weather. It also helps their fur stay waterproof. Licking helps fluff a cat’s fur which keeps cats warm in cold weather. Also, if a cat hurts himself, licking the cut or scratch cleans it and helps it feel better.

Q. Why do cats purr?
A. Kittens purr to let their mother’s know that everything is ok. Adult cats purr when they feel safe and happy. Cats can purr for a long period of time without stopping.

Q. Why do cats meow?
A. Cats have four different meanings for “meow.” If you listen carefully, you can hear that each meow is different. The first meow says I’m hungry! The second says I want to go out! The third says help! The fourth meow says I want attention! I hear the I’m Hungry meow all the time.

Q. Why do cat’s tongues feel rough?
A. Their tongues feel like sandpaper because they must use their tongue to brush their fur and keep it smooth.

Q. Why do cats sometimes roll over on their backs when they see you?
A. This is probably the friendliest thing a cat can do because it is their way of saying I trust you.

Q. Why do cats sometimes knock things over?
A. When a cat knocks things over it can be two things, she is trying to get your attention or she is having fun. This is not an accident!! She wants you to play with her. My cat loves to knock things over. I started out with a 12 pack of class. Now I have four classes.

Q. Why do cats press against you with their paws?
A. Kittens get milk by nursing from their mother. They press against their mother with one paw and then the other. This is called “kneading.” Kneading helps the mother cat give milk to the kittens. When adult cats knead with their paws, it reminds her of her mother when she was a kitten.

Q. Can cats tell time?
A. Cats can’t tell time the way people can, but they learn the habits and routines of their family. They learn things such as when you get up in the morning and their feeding times. They may even know when a family member is coming home before you do.
I hope you all enjoyed these. I thought they were very interesting.

Floyd Skloot

On March 18, 2008 I had a chance to listen to Floyd Skloot’s interview. He was a very interesting man. He was so cute and little. It made me laugh. He was also very humorous. He said he is mainly going to focus on non-fiction stories now. He got sick in 1988, and he seemed to lose everything. He did not talk too much about his disease, but what I did hear sounded horrible. He had to teach himself a new way to write and how to walk again. It was fifteen years before he could walk without a cane. I mean can you imagine not being able to walk and write? Skloot’s writing process takes place only in his house. He said he keeps notebooks everywhere, and he will take a note anywhere, but his actual writing takes place in his house. Skloot’s feels the accident is part of his growth. He seemed to regret some of his writings from the past because he felt he published them too soon before they were technically finished. He had a great vocabulary, and I know that makes me sound so stupid, but I am so inspired by people with a large vocabulary because mine is so small. I know I should read more often, but it’s so hard for me! He also seemed to really love his wife Beverly. He was constantly looking at her and smiling, and it just made me so happy. I am such a hopeless romantic. He says some people can take life too seriously. There has to be a humorous way of life. I really appreciated this because my motto is “Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much.” I firmly believe you have to laugh at everything because in the end none of this is going to matter. I really enjoyed his interview, and I would like to read some of his poetry. I really enjoy poetry. The only thing is that I can’t always understand it.

The Criminal

A criminal burrows deep in my heart
Breaking and entering into my soul
Steals my emotions and tears them apart
Removing my feeling of being whole
Murdering my last childhood innocence
Taking away what I enjoy the most
Killing my feeling of independence
Ignoring and treating me like a ghost
Slashing and cutting straight into my core
My feeling of safety is destroyed
Making me restless because we’re at war
Hopeless, defeated, and left with a void
But I cannot resist his temptation
Leading me onward to true salvation

Andrew Couch

On March 14, 2008, I listened to Andrew Couch talk about some environmental issues. Six years ago he had a company called Deep Fried Rides. He invented cars that ran on restaurant’s waste cooking oil. He is now a member of the Clean Water Coalition. Andrew Couch said the coalition does about six main things. I could not catch all of them, but here are a few. First, they track legislative activity, such as finding grant money. Second, they have grant assistance. Third, they help with market development. They help business leaders start businesses that help the environment. Fourth, they help develop infrastructure. Fifth, one of their main focuses is education and outreach for ages K-12. I did not catch the sixth thing, but he said one of them should be arguing. He said he spends most of his time arguing. His main focus seemed to be to inform us that there are many other alternative fuels. He also wanted to encourage all of us to conserve more energy. He continued to talk about how everyone thinks all of his ideas are stupid, but then he gave a great example. He said 30-40 years ago people thought the computer was a bad idea because it was huge, and they thought it was inefficient. Now, some people could not live without a computer. He had a great sense of humor, and I really enjoyed his talk. This is off the subject, but I wanted all of you to know what he calls his truck. . .The Terdlet! Sorry, I just thought that was so funny!

The Importance of Our Press Conference

I believe this press conference was important to our paper because it shows you that you need to have a lot of facts and information to back you up. Everyone who reads your paper will be asking questions like the questions asked today. Also, it shows you how to form your own opinion whether or not you believe in the topic. This press conference showed me that I should ask myself if I am answering all the questions formed from my paper. I need to be able to defend my opinion in the paper with a lot of facts and information because if not my opinion is pointless. Making an opinion without knowing all of the facts makes you look like an idiot. I still have not made up my opinion on whether or not a living wage is better than a minimum wage. I am still finding facts and information. Every time I think I have decided, some piece of information makes me change my mind. The press conference taught me to be prepared to back up my argument. I also really enjoyed the press conference because as shy as I am, I really enjoy faking an argument. Also, I love listening to Krystal talk. She cracks me up.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Why Cats Hate Water

I have always wondered why cats hate water. I have worked at a vet before and you should see some of the things those crazy cats will do to get away from water. They go insane. It’s like water will kill them or something. I found a website that shows why some cats love water and some cats hate water. They say that cat species native to hot areas seem to enjoy water, and cat species from cold areas do not like water. Tigers, lions, jaguars, ocelots, and jaguars are all from hot savannas, and they enjoy taking dips in cool streams and ponds. Snow leopards, lynx, bobcats, and cougars live in cold environments and have little interest in getting wet. One veterinary professor suggests that water damages the ability of a cat’s fur to insulate the animal against cold. This would explain why cold-weather cats don’t like cold water because it only makes them colder. Many domestic cats do not enjoy water. Domestic cats do not experience extreme heat, so they have no desire to take a dip. Also, no cats enjoy water used against them in an abusive manner or getting water in their eyes or ears. Cats only enjoy water when they want to enjoy water. Some housecats enjoy stepping into a shower or playing with a dripping faucet. Both of my cats love to play with the faucet. They say that cats can learn to like water based on their experiences. Show cats who have been bathed since they were kittens do not mind the water as much. So for future reference everyone bathe your cats from the start, and hopefully they will learn to calm down and not leave you with scratched up arms and a black eye.

Understanding a Love Affair

As most of you know, women have had a love affair with CHOCOLATE. I have to say I have a huge love affair with chocolate! It’s so creamy and soft and freaking awesome!! I was wondering why women love chocolate so much. I have a few reasons why it is so important to our lives.
First, it melts in your mouth which chocolate lovers describe as a moment of ecstasy.
Second, chocolate has just the right chemistry. According to a study done at the University of Michigan, chocolate contains chemicals called opioids which serve to dull pain and give a feeling of well-being to people who ingest them. People who eat chocolate produce natural opiates in their brains that soothe their nerves and make them feel good.
Third, chocolate also naturally contains “uppers” like caffeine and sugars which make your heart pound a little harder, your breathing come a bit more quickly, and give you a feeling of alertness. It is mild enough to produce a pleasant “high,” which is often equated to the feeling of being in love.
Fourth, chocolate equals love. Women crave chocolate more than men do. Women are habitually given chocolate as birthday and Valentine’s presents. Chocolate is associated with love and romance. This could be another reason women love chocolate because deep down, it makes us feel loved, cared for, and pampered.
Fifth, believe it or not chocolate is good for you. Recent studies show that chocolate- especially dark chocolate- contains chemicals that lower the risk of cancer and heart disease. Flavanoids and antioxidants in dark chocolate have been shown to make a difference in cardiovascular health. Scientists recommend that you have a chocolate cookie or biscuit with your tea so your body gets more of the life-lengthening chemicals. Don’t have milk with your dark chocolate, however because the same studies show that milk can cancel out the healthful effects of eating chocolate by preventing those helpful chemicals from being fully absorbed in the body.
Sixth, it is great for your sex life. People believe that chocolate has aphrodisiac properties. Recent studies have shown that women who eat a little bit of chocolate a day have significantly more sex than women who don’t. Chocolate just makes us feel good- which is a key ingredient for a healthy sex life.
Now I hope everyone will go out there and eat tons of chocolate…well not tons but at least some! I am so happy to have an excuse to eating chocolate!

Boosting Your Brainpower

I know on Tuesday Tabitha had said her boyfriend’s grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. I have had a family member with Alzheimer’s, and it is so scary and sad. I found a website that shows those of us who have not developed Alzheimer’s yet to prevent it. If someone in your family has had the disease, you should definitely read this blog.
Genes determine 30% of your risk for developing Alzheimer’s. The other 70% comes from factors we control such as fitness, diet, and stress levels. One of the first factors in boosting your brainpower is to EAT MORE BRAIN FOOD. Blueberries are shown to contain compounds that improve short-term memory. Fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish (such as salmon) help protect and nourish brain cells. Stay away from saturated fat to keep your heart strong and pumping blood to your head. Make sure to replace refined grains with whole ones to keep brain fuel reserves full.
The second important factor is MAKE A BRAIN BOOSTING VINAIGRETTE. Rosemary and turmeric stimulate the brain. You should add a pinch of each to your food each day. One woman on the website uses these by whisking them with olive oil (2 tablespoons), garlic powder (3 pinches), salt (a dash), and rice wine vinegar (to taste)- and uses the vinaigrette on salad and to marinate meat and drizzle over veggies.
The third important factor is SLEEPING 8 HOURS EVERY NIGHT. Now for those of us college students this is a very difficult factor. You brain needs sleep to function properly. It uses the downtime to sort and store information. Also, new research has shown that sleep helps strengthen memory recall. Some sleeping tips are to cut down on fluids and keep your bedroom cool (around 63 degrees), quiet, and dark.
I hope some of you will use these tips because I would hate for anyone to have to experience this horrible disease. And Tabitha I hope everything goes well with the grandmother! (w.c. 329)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sex and STDs Are Taking Over The World

I read an article at that said 1 in 4 teen girls has sexually transmitted diseases or in other words, more than 3 million teens. Can you believe this? These girls were aged 14 to 19. I could not believe this. I mean has no one realized what causes STDs yet? Think girls, think! It seems now that everyone is focused on having sex, and it drives me crazy. I’m not judging anyone who loves having sex. I understand it is very enjoyable, and it feels great, but come one now let’s not be dumb about it. Be safe! As sad as it is that you have to be this safe, it’s the truth. There is no telling what your partner has, and there is no way to tell if they are telling you the truth about their past. This quote made me so upset because I just hate to see our world come to this. Later in the essay, it mentions ways of preventing STDs. One of the options is to get a three dose HPV vaccine for girls ages 11-12 and follow up shots from 13-26. Can you believe this? Eleven years old!! When I was eleven, I was just beginning to learn what sex was. I definitely did not want to have sex at that time. It really frustrates me that our world has come to this. I mean I can only imagine what it will be like when our kids are our age. I just wish all the girls and guys out there having sex with many different people would stop and think about what they’re doing to themselves and others. I mean does no one realize that when you give someone else an STD, you are contributing to their death. Come on people…use your noggin!

The Many Uses of Beer

Personally I do not like beer, but I know many people love beer. I found this, and I thought all of you beer lovers and even beer haters would enjoy this. Enjoy!
Here are 32 new reasons to love beer.
1)BATHE IN IT: Try bathing with a bottle of German Badebeir. It will make you smell like fresh bread and your skin feeling smooth and luxurious.
2)PUT OUT A FIRE: It is not as effective as a real fire extinguisher, but if none are available, a can or bottle of beer will work. Simply shake and spritz.
3) MARINATE MEAT: Beer is slightly acidic which makes it an excellent meat tenderizer. Beer also does not alter the meat’s flavor as much as wine and vinegar based marinades do. Poke a few holes in the meat, put in a Tupperware container or a resealable bag, and add beer. Marinate in refrigerator for a few hours or even overnight. Beware: do not drink the marinade.
4)POLISH POTS: Beer works great for polishing copper. It works great because of its acidity.
5)MAKE BEER BARBEQUE SAUCE: 1 medium Spanish onion, diced, 1 medium banana pepper, diced, 3 cloves garlic, minced, 2 tbsp capers, 5 ripe tomatoes, diced, 1 small can tomato paste, 1/3 c each wine vinegar, olive oil, soy sauce, brown sugar 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar, 2 tbsp fresh ground pepper, 1 tsp cumin, dash of ground clove, 12 ounces amber ale or porter. Combine all ingredients in large saucepan and boil for 10 minutes. Lower heat and simmer about 4 hours until thickened. Cool and refrigerate for 24 hours so the flavors can meld. Then baste everything.
6)SHAMPOO HAIR: Beer is the cure for dull hair. It will give your hair more shine and luster.
7)LOOSEN RUSTY BOLTS: Put some beer on them and wait a few minutes. The carbonation may help break up the rust.
8)CLEAR UP BROWN SPOTS IN YOUR LAWN: The fermented sugars in beer stimulate plant growth and kill fungi. Andrew Lopez, a professional gardener, recommends spraying either home brew or Roling Rock.
10)PASS A KIDNEY STONE: Beer is a diuretic. It helps flush the kidneys and bladder. It helps dilate the ureters ( the tubes connecting the kidneys and bladder) which may help you pass a stone quicker and easier. Also, the alcohol takes the edge off the pain.
Now these are only the top ten, but if you enjoyed these, the rest are even better. There are uses such as curing insomnia, catching mice, soothe tired feet, massage yourself, and even build your next home. They are very interesting. If you would like to see the rest, go to