Friday, March 21, 2008

The Importance of Our Press Conference

I believe this press conference was important to our paper because it shows you that you need to have a lot of facts and information to back you up. Everyone who reads your paper will be asking questions like the questions asked today. Also, it shows you how to form your own opinion whether or not you believe in the topic. This press conference showed me that I should ask myself if I am answering all the questions formed from my paper. I need to be able to defend my opinion in the paper with a lot of facts and information because if not my opinion is pointless. Making an opinion without knowing all of the facts makes you look like an idiot. I still have not made up my opinion on whether or not a living wage is better than a minimum wage. I am still finding facts and information. Every time I think I have decided, some piece of information makes me change my mind. The press conference taught me to be prepared to back up my argument. I also really enjoyed the press conference because as shy as I am, I really enjoy faking an argument. Also, I love listening to Krystal talk. She cracks me up.

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