Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Will The Controversy Ever End?

Once again something else is being accused of being racist. Vogue magazine has LeBron James and Gizele on the front cover. LeBron James is screaming, dribbling a basketball, and holding Gizele. Somehow the argument came up that this picture "conjures up the idea of a dangerous black man." I'm so tired of this racist crap. Honestly, I was afraid to write this blog because I am scared someone will call me racist. I want to say to the "dangerous black man" comment that when I see a black, white, Mexican, etc. man walking towards me in baggy clothes and covering his face, I get a little freaked out. I don't care what color the person is. I understand that people think all black men are dangerous, but the truth is every other race has dangerous men and women for that matter. I'm tired of listening to people complain about how everything is only targeted at black people. Now, I understand I am white, and I have not experienced what it's like to be any other race. I just want the controversy to end. I'm tired of black people being made to look like poor idiots in white movies and white people being made to look like freakin' idiots!! in black movies! And why are "all" Mexicans perves? Why does it have to be this way? I know everyone says that people still somewhat segregate, but times have changed. Slavery is no longer around, so I think it is time to get over our stubborn selfs and find some kind of peace. I don't want anyone to think that I am racist, but after I read this article, I just got so frustrated. Why does everything have to be about color? Who made it that way? I mean it's like there is a rule that whites and blacks can't mix. I'm tired of living this way. I'm sorry for this blog, but I felt the need to let out my feelings on this topic. It's such a touchy subject, and I really was hesitant when I decided to write this, but I decided to write it because I feel this issue should be talked about. How can we ever fix a problem without addressing the problems? Feel free to leave your comments. This blog was not meant to offend anyone. I just want the controversy to end.


Kelvin Oliver said...

Hey. You did not offend me in any way. I completly understand how you feel. I remember my last semester English teacher told the class that she does not see color. She sees everyone as a person. I do agree with her. However, there are people that out there that are racist. I am tired of being around a lot of blacks. I've been around them more than any other nationality. I like diversity.

Kelvin Oliver said...

This is my first time having Wendy as a teacher. My last teacher was Ms. Driver

Carlin said...

Wow, my thoughts exactly. I have a few friends who like to make racist jokes and I get so frustrated when they do. And then they ask me why I am so angry. I agree with you. I wish that the people who are racist would get over themselves. It's the 21st Century and it's past time for people to stop seeing other races as less or like they said in that article, "dangerous". I hope those people can have the sense to grow up.

Ryan Manning said...

I had not heard about this argument at all. I find it interesting. I think that the magazine was meant to show agression. Not the agression of a dangerous black man, but that of a determined athlete. I wonder if it was a black man or a white man who came up with that argument.