Thursday, February 7, 2008

Lunch Table Click

The other day I started thinking about high school, and I remembered all the clicks, the drama, the gossip, etc. I’m so glad I am out of all that. I remembered you could tell a lot about a person by their lunch table. That’s really sad if you think about it, but it is so true. There was the slutty table, the geeky table, the gothic table, the jocks table, the nice girls table, the rejects table, etc. Every once in a while there was that random kid who sat by himself, but eventually he found the table that fit him. I know this is random, but I just started thinking about this. I think it is really funny, but I know you could always tell a lot about a person because of a table. I don’t really know how the table click began, but I started to notice when I was in middle school. I hated the clicks. I had such a hard time trying to get along with girls throughout middle school and high school. I don’t know what the problem was. I am glad to finally be out of high school. I know this is a random blog, but I was thinking about this, and it made me laugh. Just thought I would share.

1 comment:

Carlin said...

Can I get an "amen" for this blog? I hated middle school; high school was a lot better, but there were so many clicks, like you said. I also hated how there was a lot of unintended segregation at the lunch tables. I don't think it was really anyone's fault, it just happened to be that way every day. I always laugh, too when I think back. I'm so glad we're out of there.