Friday, April 11, 2008

A City of Blue

Recently, I have been watching the news about this Memphis team. Unforunately, we lost the championship game against Kansas, but we did so much more than that. Not only did we have the most won games in a single season, but it was also the first time that all number one seeds were in the final four. Those are some pretty amazing statistics. They are definetely something to be proud of. The most important thing this team has done is unite our city with one color, BLUE. Everywhere you would go, there would be so many people wearing their blue and grey in support of such an influential team. This team brought a change in Memphis that no other person has ever done. They made people unify under one race of blue. There was no race when they played. They brought about a common love in that everyone wanted to see this team win the championship. They brought everyone together without even trying. All this team did was play the game they love, but look at how much of a change they made. You could see on tv all races cheering for the same thing. People have tried for years to unify the races, but nothing has ever worked. Now, a team from a so-called "bad" school plays their hearts out for the sport they love, and they bring about peace in a community for a little while. Honestly, it's sad that something like a sporting event can bring the races together. Why not everything else? I respect this team a lot for what they have done. I respect them for overcoming all of the people who said they would never make it. I have grown to love this school over the last year, and I thanks to this team a lot of other people have grown to love it too. I will forever bleed blue and grey!

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