Friday, April 4, 2008

Great Thursday Class

I just wanted to talk about how much I enjoyed class on Thursday. It was really a lot of fun! I was a little nervous when I got the email to come prepared to argue about race because it is such a touchy issue. I had sort of already argued my opinion on the issue in one of my previous blogs, but it was nice to hear someone else's opinion. It was interesting to hear what everyone said. Some people said things I was completely not expecting. I was also happy that everyone was very respectful, and it never got rude and mean. That's really what I was worried about. I had a lot of fun arguing and debating. It was like one person would say something and then someone else would have to put their opinion in, but it was never like fighting. It was really fun! It was like we had this huge intellectual argument about race without name calling and just being down right mean. If only the world could do what we did in class? The world really might be a different place if everyone could talk openly about their issues. Instead, everyone keeps their problems bottled up inside which causes ugly racism. The same thing happens with friends, wives, husbands, etc. When you keep all your problems inside, you can't help but grow hate. Problems are meant to be talked about, but they are not meant to be faught about. I think many people confuse this. I know I often fight out problems instead of talking them out, but it really does no good. I just go right back where I started. I really hope one day we can talk about race comfortably, but really it would be nice if we didn't have to talk about race. I mean who made it illegal for white people to talk about black people and vice versa. If we are all equal, why should we talk about race? Something to think about. Anyway, I just wanted to share how much I loved our class on Thursday. I hope some of you felt the same.


Carlin said...

Yeah, I was kind of nervous too, to be honest. No class I've had has ever talked about that before. I really liked it. I think that teachers in college should bring it up more. It definitely helps you see other people's opinions a lot better. This may sound stupid, but after that discussion, I feel a lot closer to everyone in the class and I'm glad.

Kelvin Oliver said...

Oh yes. It was very interesting to hear what everyone had to say and to see where the discussion in what direction the conversation was going to go. You did say a few interesting points.

Boatwright said...

I also enjoyed the class. I wish that the city where I am from could talk about race in the same manner. I think the would could learn a lot about race issues if they would just sit down and communicate with each other.