Friday, April 18, 2008

Mean Girls

I read an article from the Oprah Winfrey show that Dr. Smith said about mean girls in school. I’m sure most of you have dealt with some form of these “mean girls.” I know I sure did. My bad experience happened in eighth grade. I am still traumatized by it. I talk about it all the time, and I think that one year really messed me up. I’ll take you back in time to give you some background. In eighth grade, I finally lost most of my elementary kid (chubby weight), and I started to look a lot better. I got contacts, and I started dressing better and really caring about how I looked. Not long after, boys came into the picture. I had began my love affair with boys in seventh grade, but the actual dating and boyfriends stuff came in eighth grade. When the boys began to like me, the “popular girls” started to like me too. There was this group of about five girls. They were the it girls. The leaders were Maddie and Kelly. This group adopted me in around the beginning of the school year. I dropped all of my previous friends to be one of the “it” girls. I turned into them. I became one of those evil girls that picks on everyone and brings everyone down for the way they are. I have never been like that. I have always tried to be as nice as possible to people that are nice to me. I never felt I could be as mean as Maddie and Kelly though. They were just down right evil! I became really good friends with this one girl on my basketball team, and she asked me to go to her church camp. While we were there, I met a boy. ( I used to be a huge flirt, but I never did anything. I just liked to be a tease.) I knew nothing about him except the fact that he was adorable. He flirted with me like crazy, and he always wanted to hang out with me. Towards the end of the week, I found out he had a girlfriend. Ugh oh! We never kissed or anything, just harmless flirting. The big ugh oh was that this boy’s girlfriend was Kelly’s best friend. Big Big ugh oh! Needless to say, that was when the “mean girls” came together and forced me out. It was none of Kelly’s business, but she came into my life and just destroyed it. She turned the whole group against me. I swear I fought with them for a year about the dumbest stuff. I hated going to school because I was scared of what was going to happen. I would plan out arguments in my head to make sure I had good comebacks. It was horrible. After everything happened, I found a group of friends that were nice to me. They weren’t the most popular people, but they were good friends and people to talk to. Ever since eighth grade, I haven’t had very many close friends because I was so messed up from this whole experience. Those girls were so evil to me. They went out of their way to make my life HELL!! Over the years some of them left. The ones that stayed ended up hating each other and the whole group eventually broke up. They all turned out to be fat and ugly, and they were all huge sluts. Well except for Maddie because no one would date her. (Probably because she was so evil.) This article was talking about why these girls act so mean. It said they usually have problems at home that make them bring other people down so they will feel better. This is so true. Maddie, for example, had an older sister that got pregnant at seventeen. She had two younger brothers. He parents got a divorce. Her mom was an alcoholic. Her dad had an affair with a much younger woman. Etc., etc. She had a pretty tough life, and now that I look back I know that’s why she was so evil. Most of the other girls have somewhat of the same story as Maddie. It’s sad that people have to make other people feel bad to make themselves feel better.

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